Module crowdsec-client - v0.1.7


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Dependencies update - renovate


This library is a Node.js client to talk with crowdsec rest API .


install it

npm i crowdsec-client

and then read the documentation in the wiki


as a Bouncer

First, create a client, pointing to your crowdsec instance . With a bouncer api key (doc)

const client = new BouncerClient({
url: process.env.CROWDSEC_URL,
auth: {
apiKey: process.env.CROWDSEC_API_KEY || ''
//use this option if you use a self signed ssl certificate
strictSSL: false
await client.login();

Second, ask for a decision

const stream = client.Decisions.getStream({
//the stream will poll the API at the interval . in ms
interval: 10000

//or with filters
const filteredStream = client.Decisions.getStream({
//the stream will poll the API at the interval . in ms
interval: 10000,
scopes: ['ip', 'range'],
origins: ['capi'] ,
scenarios_containing: ['bruteforce'],
scenarios_not_containing: ['slow'],

now, use this stream

import * as stream from "stream";

stream.on('added', (decision) => {
//will be emited when a new decision is added

stream.on('deleted', (decision) => {
//will be emitted when a decision is deleted

//you can control the stream

//start the stream

//pause the stream

//check if the stream is paused
if(stream.paused) {


as a Watcher

First, create a client, pointing to your crowdsec instance . With a machine login/password (doc)

const client = new WatcherClient({
url: process.env.CROWDSEC_URL,
auth: {
machineID: 'nameOfTheMachine',
password: 'password',
//the crowdsec token is valid for only 1h ... did you want to autorenew it ?
autoRenew: true,
//use this option if you use a self signed ssl certificate
strictSSL: false
await client.login();

Search for Alert

//get alerts with an active decision
const alerts = await{
has_active_decision: true

//select one alert
const alert = alerts[0]
if(! {
//do something if no id

//delete it ?
await client.Alerts.deleteById(;

//or delete all the alerts about an ip
await client.Alerts.delete({
ip: ''

More authentications options (like TLS) are documented in the wiki


this library include debug, to debug, you can set the env variable :







Type Aliases


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