CHARGE of the battery
the current charge of the UPS (can be NaN)
the raw value of charge (in case of NaN)
RUNTIME of the battery
the current charge of the UPS (can be NaN)
the raw value of charge (in case of NaN)
UPS on bypass (powered, not protecting).
UPS calibration in progress.
Communication with the UPS was just lost.
Communication with the UPS has been established.
The UPS has been commanded into the "forced shutdown" mode.
The UPS battery is low (as determined by the driver).
The UPS can’t be contacted for monitoring.
UPS no longer on bypass.
UPS calibration finished.
UPS no longer administratively OFF or asleep.
UPS administratively OFF or asleep.
The UPS is on battery.
The UPS is back online.
The UPS needs to have its battery replaced.
The local system is being shut down.
get a variable change
the key
the old value of the variable
the new value of the variable
the old variables
the new variables
get all variables update
{string} the old variables
{string} the new variables
allow to listen to all events