Class FWRule

Hierarchy (View Summary)




_id: string
dst_address?: string
dst_firewallgroup_ids: string[]
dst_networkconf_id?: string
dst_networkconf_type?: string
dst_port?: string
enabled: boolean
icmp_typename?: icmpTypeV4
icmpv6_typename?: string
ipsec: string
logging: boolean
name: string
protocol?: string
protocol_match_excepted: boolean
protocol_v6?: string
rule_index: string | number
ruleset: ruleSet
setting_preference?: string
site_id: string
src_address?: string
src_firewallgroup_ids: string[]
src_mac_address: string
src_networkconf_id?: string
src_networkconf_type?: string
state_established: boolean
state_invalid: boolean
state_new: boolean
state_related: boolean



  • Parameters

    • OptionalminVersion: string

      the minimal semver version for this object

    • OptionalunifiOs: boolean

      need to be unifiOs ? or Unifi Controller ? if no need, pass undefined

    • parameterName: string = ''

      a name for the parameter

    Returns void

  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • key: keyof FWRule

      the key object that need to be only supported on some versions

    • Optionalvalue: T

      the value store in this object

    • OptionalminVersion: string

      the minimal semver version for this object

    • OptionalunifiOs: boolean

      need to be unifiOs ? or Unifi Controller ? if no need, pass undefined

    • allowUndefined: boolean = false

      to undefined check ?

    Returns boolean